Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I love chess. There is one move that unsettles me more than any othermove, which is c2-c4/c7-c5. It doesnt matter whether i am playing black or white, I just feel very unsettled when this move is played.

I fail to understand how to counter this move.

Today, I am going to try out gambit against this, but I am unsure how successful I will be.

Lately, something that has really really impressed me is the gambit. I used to think that gambit is a risky affair, but as the more I analyse and read about the openings with gambits, I realise that speedy development and a sharp attack is a DUTY when you offer a gambit, and that is the style of game I like, aggressive, sharp, imbalanced and prospective.

Will update you once I am done with the game.

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